Adventures In Print Magazine Freelancing

When I was six years old, I drew a picture of a house. I wouldn’t call it a particularly magnificent house, but someone at Highlights for Children magazine evidently liked it, because my drawing appeared in a 1997 issue of the magazine. That was a pretty big deal for me. You never forget the first time your work appears in a commercial publication, especially if you didn’t get paid for it. (Curse you and your fine-print voluntary submission policy, Highlights!)

Anyway, that was a proud moment for six-year-old me, and to this day, the page from Highlights that you see below has sat on a mantle in my living room.

A few months ago, I was offered the chance to write an article for a future issue of Star Wars Insider, the official magazine of Lucasfilm’s Star Wars franchise. As a longtime subscriber, I was thrilled to get the chance to do this. A few weeks after pitching my idea, I submitted my article, which was a reflection piece on the ground-breaking animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which ended this March after a five-year run. A few days ago, I received my subscriber copy of Star Wars Insider #142 (the June/July 2013 issue), which features my article in a three-page spread.

I had reviewed The Clone Wars for TheForce.Net since 2009, and I’ve been a big fan of the series since it premiered, so I really enjoyed the chance to contribute this article to Insider.
First Highlights for Children, then Star Wars Insider. I expect The New Yorker will be next.


  1. Congrats, the first article is always the best. Mine was back in 2006, when Frank Parisi was editor, and even though I've done more substantial stuff since then that first one absolutely made my day! Not got the latest issue yet, looking forward very much to reading your piece. Cheers!

  2. Who did you contact to pitch an article to them? I've been in several magazines and have been dying to pitch them something, but never seem to get the right email address.

  3. Hey Jordan. I was contacted by the magazine's editor-in-chief. I'm not sure they have a submission policy per se. Sorry I can't be of more help!


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